Zaineb Benfradj
Consultant Data Analyst - LLM - Machine Learning - Computer Vision
Zaineb is an artificial intelligence research engineer with 3 years’ experience. She currently holds the position of Data Consultant.
Technology :
Data Analyst - Machine Learning
Experience :
3 years
E-mail :
Personal Experience
Zaineb is an artificial intelligence research engineer with 3 years’ experience. She currently holds the position of Data Consultant. Specialized in areas such as LLMs, Computer Vision , OCR, Flask/Django, Docker, Web Scraping and Hadoop. She has strong engineering skills in the design, modeling, construction and deployment of machine learning pipelines (MLOPS). Researcher in AI/CV (medical image analysis, pattern recognition, facial recognition)
Soft Skills
Professional Experience
Full Remote Factory – Tunis
Data Consultant
– Project LINGUO –
Aims to develop a chatbot specialized in the legal field, using artificial intelligence to provide accurate and relevant answers to users on a variety of legal questions. The assignment also includes configuring the Django environment, creating data models for chats, users and authentication, and setting up views and authentication to manage chat operations.
– Balloon tracking project –
Aims to develop a system using computer vision techniques to accurately detect and track the position of the ball in a soccer video, using object detection algorithms and the YOLOv8 model. The mission includes training the YOLOv8 model, classifying players, developing a dedicated soccer application and setting up the connection via Websocket for real-time streaming of player tracking data, all in a technical environment using YOLOv8, Websocket and Python.
m3soft - Tunis -
Developpeur Full stack
Mission : Implementation of a mobile tourism application.
With this application, you’ll have a digital guide on your mobile that will help you locate to your destination.
▪ Design of the solution to meet new customer needs
▪ Production of mock-ups
▪ Development and drafting of functional and technical documents
▪ Preparation of deliveries
▪ Implementation of unit tests
▪ Performance of load and performance tests
Technical environment :
SQL, Scrum, Android, PHPMySQL,HTML 5/CSS 3,Javascript
WEVIOO - Tunis –
Data Scientist
Mission : Intelligent resume analysis system using AI – Wevioo.
The aim of this project is to set up an application to automate the recruitment process recruitment process: identifying/pre-selecting candidates and making appointments.
▪ Create a virtual anaconda environment
▪ Develop an OCR model in Python and deploy it with Flask, which achieves accuracy of over 90%, even on the most complex CVs
▪ Develop a Regex model in Python and deploy it with Flask for the extraction structured and semi-structured information
▪ Develop an NLP model in Python and deploy it with Flask for extracting unstructured information to be precise, Named Entity Recognition (NER) is the algorithm to which we applied deep learning, for information extraction in CVS.
▪ Performed Rest API unit tests (Python test, Junit).
▪ Writing functional documents and technical references.
Technical environment: AngularJS, Flask, Python, Opencv, NLP, Spacy, NER/NLU, OCR, Pytesserac, Anaconda and Mongodb.